Where’s it all gone?
An update about site changes, with signposting for how to find your favourite Miss IG Geek content
Privacy, data protection & data ethics geek for hire
An update about site changes, with signposting for how to find your favourite Miss IG Geek content
Some Controller/Processor mythbusting to assist with 3rd party supplier diligence
Bad data protection AND bad infosec: how absolutely *not* to conduct phishing training
A through snarking through WhatsApp’s new privacy policy
There’s an app for that….. a scathing data protection commentary on the latest in sextech apps, with as many double entres as I could cram in
In which I combine exasperation with well-meant advice, on the topic of lawyers who aren’t data protection experts but give data protection advice nonetheless
A slightly sweary but kindly-intended open letter to the information security profession on the topic of data protection
Oh gods, the UK government’s answer to everything is ‘more surveillance’. This time, it’s the question of how to stop people from being mean to each other online.
What marketers need to know about ‘legitimate interests’ but everyone else is too polite to say
Be warned….if you’re going to claim you take my privacy seriously, then I will require you to demonstrate that. And I will make a fuss if you don’t.