It’s The Principle Of The Thing
Bad data protection AND bad infosec: how absolutely *not* to conduct phishing training
Privacy, data protection & data ethics geek for hire
Bad data protection AND bad infosec: how absolutely *not* to conduct phishing training
There’s an app for that….. a scathing data protection commentary on the latest in sextech apps, with as many double entres as I could cram in
Oh gods, the UK government’s answer to everything is ‘more surveillance’. This time, it’s the question of how to stop people from being mean to each other online.
Really nerdy data protection memes that only the geekiest of data protection geeks will find amusing
An explanation of why using MailChimp and achieving data protection compliance are mutually exclusive
What is even the point of data protection law? Basically, to protect people from each other. Shame that’s often overlooked.